Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 2013 SDADA Column

According the Governors Highway Safety Association, thirty-nine states have distracted driving laws. Michigan just became the most recent. Some localities have additional regulations. (FYI: South Dakota is not on the list though several of our larger cities are.) So that means you are now safe on the roads as there is no texting and driving in those states - right?

I doubt that is the case. Though we live in a culture that acts as if all we have to do is pass another law and we have changed the behavior, I think we all realize that is not so (can you say “gun control”?). I am not an advocate of passing "feel good" laws.

Perhaps distracted driving laws help us drive home the point (I’m skeptical), but it will take much more than passing laws. This is both an education issue and a behavioral issue.

We need to educate people, not just young people, (that does not necessarily mean spend more money) on the dangers of distracted driving. Whose responsibility is this and how do we do it?

I believe it is everyone's responsibility. We need an effort like the one that caused young people to tell their parents to "buckle up". It starts in the schools but does not end there. There are various efforts afoot now.
There is no education effort like the one that happens at the dinner table! While there are several devices that parents can use to control their children's behavior, there is no substitute for talking to your kids!

We car dealers have a responsibility in the education process. It is our customers that put themselves at risk in our products.

Teens get a bad rap on this issue. While plenty of teens are guilty of texting while driving, there are many adults who set a bad example and who need to "look in the mirror" when it comes to how they act behind the wheel.

I have never done much texting while driving and I tend to be a hands-free phone user. But I have, in the past, tried to read and answer emails while behind the wheel. What's the difference? NONE! So while I'm telling my two daughters and son not to text while driving, I am guilty of it myself.

"I can't hear what you are saying because your actions speak so much louder than your words!!"

So my New Year's resolution is to not be distracted while driving. No texting! No email! No dialing! No eating! (that one coincides with another of my 2013 resolutions!)

As Jim Morrison and the Doors sung, "Keep your eyes on the road and your hand upon the wheel!" (Don't forget to buckle up too!)

Reinsurance Company Still Makes Sense Despite Tax Law Changes

Congress has stepped up and taken their first swing (on their way to several) at changing the tax laws while avoiding the fiscal cliff. While the top rate will increase and capital gains and dividends rates will go up (including a surcharge for Obama Care),reinsurance companies remain one of the LAST places an Automobile Dealer can generate wealth with strategic tax planning at much lower rates!
My Portfolio Reinsurance Company is the best thing I EVER did to build some wealth outside of the dealership. It also affords me much flexibility in how I realize that income or allocate those assets.
If you do not already have a reinsurance company, let me encourage you to start on in 2013. I promise that in five or ten years, you will be glad you did.

NADA Convention Fast Approaching

I hope you’re planning to attend the 96th annual NADA convention (Feb. 8-11, 2013) in Orlando. More than 500 companies are expected to exhibit on the expo floor.

You can find everything you need to enhance your convention experience at including a planner to help you make the most of your time. You can manage your convention schedule with ‘myNADAplanner’ which you can find at the above address.

The NADA Convention goes mobile with the launch of a new mobile app. It can be found for iPhone or Android by searching for “NADA 2013” in the app store. The app is free.

You will find 61 New Workshops for Dealers and Managers at the NADA Convention and Expo. Executive Leadership: The Executive Leadership track includes workshops exclusively for dealer principals. The workshops range from legal and regulatory topics, managing multiple dealership locations to tax and succession planning and fraud prevention.

I look forward to seeing you on the Expo floor (or in the DEAC Suite)!

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